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Jedno z pierwszych wdrożeń platformy Magento 2 na świecie. Kompleksowa obsługa UX and software. Sieć sklepów sportowych Martes Sport. Kompleksowa obsługa UX and software. Wejście e-sklepu w nowe trendy eCommerce. Wejście w nowe trendy eCommerce i sprzedaż mobilną. HTML5, CSS3, RWD.
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Busting the myth that net neutrality hampers investment. To FCC Chairman Ajit Pai highlighting how net neutrality has fueled innovation in Silicon Valley and can do so still across the United States. At Mozilla we believe the current rules provide vital protections.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013. Revisiting these photos was a reminder how much I love the little things the personalize the event. For all its exuberance, one of my favorite details was this vintage handkerchief that the bride had embroidered with little red hearts. Monday, January 7, 2013.
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Hello I finally nailed a proper blog together. Speaking of previous attempts, the sandbox is still up. Experiments with Elasticsearch - part 1. Studying with the Open University. A Few Thoughts on Tablets.